
Marijuana Is Outlawed ; Could A Federal Agent Arrest Anyone For Using It In A Legalized State?

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Marijuana is indeed illegal under Federal law. So the states which have “legalized” it really have not done that; what they have done is “decriminalized” it. What that means is that you can boldly be involved with marijuana in any way which is “legal” in that state, and no state official will arrest you or confiscate your drugs or often even help the Federal officials to do so.

Federal LEO can arrest you, since it is a Federal crime and you are in the U.S., but they have not. It’s not worth their time or effort or money. They would have to try in you Federal court, as the state and local courts would either refuse to be involved or toss the case up front. Again, not worth it.

But if the Feds really wanted to “get” you for some reason, they could use this as a way (think Capone finally going down for tax fraud). And they always have the cute caveat that by using marijuana, you give up your right to buy, keep or bear arms.

My Mother stole from my Grandmother who was raising all three of her children.

BY  When you laugh, your body releases feel-good chemicals

We were 5, 4, and 1 year old when my Mother decided she didn’t want us. My bio parents were awarded a divorce and because my Grandmother didn’t want us in Foster care she took us to raise us at 73 yrs of age. The Judge asked her if she could maintain a home for us and she said she could. My bio parents were to pay a certain amount to my Grandmother but she never received anything.

My Grandmother wanted to move us from in the city to out in the country so we left Texas and moved to Arkansas. As she was getting things in order she went by the bank to get the money from the Savings Accounts she had made for each one of us. There was nothing left. My Mother had closed out the accounts and took all the money. This happened in the ’60s and I assume that is why she was able to do it. I know today she would never be able to close them. My Grandmother was hurt. We three children were hurt. Yet, in the end, it was my Mother who hurt. She never got to watch the football games my brother played in nor hear the band concerts my other brother played. She never was able to listen to the piano recitals I played in. She wasn’t at my wedding nor was she there when my two daughters were born. She never got to meet her grandchildren. All by her choice.

My Grandmother was the one we loved and honored until the day she died. She lived to be 97 and losing her was the hardest day of my life. We had engraved on her headstone, “Forever in our hearts” and that was the way we’ve continued to feel. She was our angel. I wanted to enclose a picture of us and my Grandmother the last time we were all together. She was in her early 90s and we three all were adults. That was many years ago but her teachings and love last forever.

Credit: respective owner

I have two employees who usually leave work at 6pm each day. They are good employees, but I do not like that their commitment lasts only for working hours. What should I do as the boss?


I had a conversation with a coworker once. I work overnight from 11pm-7am, so I was at home asleep when the morning shift person called me at 10 am. I answered the phone, figuring it was some emergency, but no, she was simply calling to tell me I had made some small mistake or another and to grill me over why the mistake had been made, and to demand I come in immeadiately to fix it.

She knew I would be working that night, so I responded by asking her who was clocked in at the moment. She told me herself and three other employees including the manager were there. I asked her if the manager is there, why isn’t the manager calling me? She responded that the manager didn’t think it was a big deal because I could just fix it when I came in later. I asked her why that was a problem, if the manager didn’t see a problem with that, why did she? I got back a “Well, you always leave at the end of your shift! You never stay and fix shit!” I told her yes, that’s how jobs work. I finish my shift, I clock out, and I go home. She informed me that’s NOT how jobs work, if you are employed the employer has a right to call you in. I told her that’d be fine if she was my employer, reminded her that we share the same position and title. “But I’ve been here longer, and I always stay late!” I told her that sounded like an issue for *her* to deal with, and advised if she ever woke me up for something so insignificant again without the manager on the call, I would report her for harassment.

I didn’t make any friends at work that day, but I don’t go to work to make friends. I go to work to do a job and when that job is complete I clock out and go home. Once I’m at home, I don’t even think about work. If you can’t handle that employees go home at the end of their workday, you shouldn’t be management. If you’re looking for them to be friends with you, you’re looking in the wrong place.



Have you ever had a neighbor call the police on you?

Yes, because of this.

I invited friends to come to my house party and asked my friend to bring the item above it.

My neighbor saw my friend carrying the item, and immediately called the police.

Police came and asked what were we doing. I said we didn’t do anything, we were partying with donuts.

Of course the thing above isn’t drugs, it’s powdered sugar.

My neighbor thought we were drug users, and the police just laughd and enjoyed our donuts.
