Hilton Hotel – Men’s Room I began my academic career as a graduate student in the mid-1960s, long before today’s diversity mania. Nevertheless, the pro-Civil Rights dogma was unassailable. There was an endless parade of uplift programs, and all my classmates and faculty awaited the racial utopia. Moreover, we were all expected to be good Read More…
Tag: Perspective
The Gantt Report – MAGA Democrates
The Gantt Report – MAGA Democrates By Lucius Gantt It is exciting to see American women mobilizing to fight for rights that were wrongly taken from them by ultra conservative justices on the United States Supreme Court. Female activism is great for the women’s movement but not necessarily a bonus for the Democratic Party and Read More…
The Gantt Report – Who Is Your Leader
By Lucius Gantt Who is your Leader Do you know who your leader is? Think about it. President Joe Biden has been referred to as “the leader of the free world” or could your leader be Vice President Kamala Harris? Could Pastor Creflo Dollar, Reverend T. D. Jakes or Minister Louis Farrakhan be your leader? Read More…
Forward We Sometimes must Go Backwards To Ge Ahead
Forward in Life feels like you’re going backwards sometimes, actually you might be making progress. “Sometimes things have to get worse before they can get better.” This is something that I only got recently.. I always heard this and thought “yeah, yeah, that’s probably true… for other people. I’m just going to cruise from one Read More…
The Gantt Report Black on Black Hate
The Gantt Report The Bible says we should love God and love our neighbors. The good book also says a good man is never honored in his own country. So, I wonder why people of African descent dislike each other. Perhaps, our lack of love for each other is a lingering result of how we Read More…
The Gantt Report – Trump Walk to Cellblock T
The Gantt Report By Lucius Gantt The United States House of Representatives Committee assigned to investigate who plotted, planned and attempted to initiate a government coup has begun public hearings. On January 6, 2021, supporters of Donald Trump, believers in the BIG LIE and various white supremacy and militia groups, attacked the U.S. Capitol. About Read More…