Johnson, Mae Keeping It Natural


KEEPING IT NATURAL… DEATH THROUGH CHARACTER ASSASSINATION By Mae Johnson Character assassination (aka gossip) is the malicious and unjustified harming of a person’s good reputation. Sadly, and all too often the perpetrator discredit themselves, by the mere act of engaging in character assassination" Who Needs Fist Many years ago, when two individuals had hostility toward Read More…

Columnist General Information Health Johnson, Mae Keeping It Natural Mental Health Perspective

A Survival State of Mental Attitude Verses A Movement of Certainty

By Mae Johnson There is an enormous difference from being in a survival state of mental attitude verses being in state of certainty. A survival state of mental attitude is a state of out of control and is usually mixed with a bunch of worry, doubt, and fear. This state of mind causes us to Read More…

Columnist General Information Health Johnson, Mae Keeping It Natural Mental Health News Perspective

Only YOU Can Fix YOU

By Mae Johnson So often, we believe the world is happening to us, not that we are creating it. Sometimes people do things to make themselves feel big but instead, makes themselves feel small. They are always careful to be accurate and to behave correctly; however, any negative emotion that rises in you is a sign Read More…

Columnist Education Health Johnson, Mae Keeping It Natural Mental Health Spirituality Uncategorized

Keeping It Natural: Love the Skin You Are In

by Mae Johnson Love the Skin You Are In There will be those who love you and those who do not care for you.  There will be those who make you feel good about yourself and   those who will tear you down.  This article is about Choosing your acquaintances carefully and learning to feel comfortable Read More…