Black Entrepreneur Business Uncategorized Youth In Action

Young Fempreneur Reveals, She Turned A $100 Into $200K

Nationwide — Shonae Jones, a successful dropshipper and the young CEO of The Fempreneur Agency, is empowering a new generation of women entrepreneurs with her inspiring story of how she turned a $100 investment into 200K in less than a year Like many individuals, 34-year-old Shonae felt trapped in a job that she didn’t like Read More…

Black Entrepreneur Business Education Uncategorized Youth In Action

Black Dad Gives His 13-Year-Old Son 40 Acres

Faheem Muhammad, an African American father and entrepreneur from San Diego, California, has gifted his son with 40 acres of land on his 13th birthday. He says that he wants to teach him the importance of land ownership and generational wealth. Muhammad, who is the co-founder of a real estate investment firm, says that he Read More…

Agricultural Black Entrepreneur Business Education Uncategorized

Black Couple From Virginia Purchase Home With 90 Acres

From the 1920s to today, the percentage of Black Americans and other minority landowners has dropped from 14% to less than 2% nationwide. Here’s how real estate expert Chris O’Neal and his wife, Sabrina, hope to change that. Nationwide — Ten years ago, less than 4 percent of minorities owned rural land, according to a report Read More…

Black Entrepreneur Education Uncategorized

Caring and Sharing Learning School Bridging The Achievement Gap

Caring and Sharing Learning School Bridging The Achievement Gap in Gainesville Florida Alachua County has the widest achievement gap between Black and white students in the state. Caring and Sharing Learning School’s students, nearly all Black, earned the highest learning gains in the district this year, outperforming the county’s white students on the state assessment. Read More…