In 2022, Ryker Webb, a 3-year-old boy from Montana, was playing in his front yard when decided to wander off while his dad was inside the house.
Assuming his son would be nearby, his father, having only briefly gone inside, expected a quick search.
However, as day turned into night, it became evident that finding him would not be a swift task.
His family was in distress, and what heightened their concern was the fact that their area in Montana was inhabited by numerous mountain lions and bears.
Following his family’s report of him missing, Montana’s Air National Guard deployed helicopters and drones in an attempt to locate Ryker.
However, heavy thunderstorms forced them to cancel air operations, leading to a ground search of the area.
After 48 hours, hope was dwindling rapidly, but to everyone’s astonishment, something remarkable occurred.
A couple who lived around 2.5 miles away heard whimpers coming from a shed on their property and found the toddler inside tucked into a lawnmower bag.
Thankfully he wasn’t injured, just cold, hungry and thirsty. He went on to recover from the ordeal.