Delectable Food Education Health Uncategorized

Plastic in the Food Chain: Fish Consume Plastic from Human Trash

The Great Pacific Garbage Patch, as dubbed by scientists, is a region of floating trash in the ocean that is twice the size of Texas. It comprises plastic debris that includes toys, cups, wrappers and bottles that slowly degrade from the sun’s rays and wave action into ever-smaller fragments until fish often mistake them for Read More…

Delectable Food Education Health Uncategorized


A Natural Weapon against Cancer…from the Sea Sharks have swam the seas for over 400 million years, and have remained largely unchanged by evolution. Shark skeletons are comprised of cartilage which accounts for approximately six to eight percent of a shark’s total body weight. The endoskeleton protects sharks from carcinogens and mutagens. Sources say that Read More…

Mental Mindscape
Education Health Spirituality Uncategorized

Mental Mindscape: Wholistic Belief & Mind Powers Approach

By GRACE Mental Mindscape: As for the concept of Health, throughout history humans have struggled within their mental prison of their own making. The legacy of judgment, misunderstanding, and distortion befalls incoming humans immediately, crippling them through the well-intended but unenlightened actions of parents. At present the human experience is but a pale comparison to Read More…